News |
- 16-17 November 2013
- On the date above Shibu Dojo-Cho Dmitrii LUPOI sensei and Karyukai Ukraine - Doko Dojo organized RYOGEN RYU UKRAINE TAIKAI in KIEV, UKRAINE, under the leadership of Shihan OZON KARYU sensei.
- You can find the photo album of this great event in Photo Gallery at Seminars!
- 23 October - 6 November 2013
- Between 23-rd October and 6-th November, Shihan OZON Karyu sensei spend 2 weeks in Japan, going for Koryu Bujutsu training each day at NIPPON HYOHO DAIWADO HONBU under the kind leadership of Soke CHIZUKO sensei (SATO JUSHINSAI) and Shihan TAKAHASHI SHINJI sensei, being invited also to participate on 3-rd November at Nihon Kobudo Shinkyokai Taikai in Tokyo and also OZON sensei went to KOBUKAI DOJO of Hanshi AKIMOTO SHIGERU sensei for Iaido-Iaijutsu training.
- Also on 4-th November, OZON sensei (who is an International Referee) have been invited to referee at 39-th World Sports Chanbara Championships in Tokyo!
- Soon a complete photo album will be available at Photo Gallery!
- 11 December 2008
- The school of one of the oldest students of Soke TAKAMATSU TOSHITSUGU sensei, Soke SATO KINBEI sensei is now in Romania thru Shihan OZON KARYU (Cristian) sensei, instructor - member of Nippon Hyoho Daiwado Honbu Dojo Japan - in Romania.
The traditional martial arts schools (Koryu Bujutsu) that have been transmited by Takamatsu Toshitsugu sensei to Sato Kinbei sensei, can be studied in Ninbukan Dojo under the guidance of Kancho Cristian OZON KARYU, whom in November 2008 in Japan, in Honbu Dojo (headquarters), was made member - instructor for Romania of Nippon Hyoho Daiwado by the president (Kaicho) of the Japanese Federation, Soke SATO JUSHINSAI (Chizuko) sensei, thus become the first official recognize member in Romania of Nippon Hyoho Daiwado Honbu!
- Also, during his stay in Japan in November 2008, Shihan OZON KARYU sensei have the privileage to train in Iaido / Kendo in the Kobukai Dojo of Shihan AKIMOTO SHIGERU sensei, Hanshi 8-th Dan Iaido, Kyoshi 7-th Dan Kendo, with the highest ranking members of the dojo Kobukai.
Copyright © 2008 Cristian Ozon (Karyu) - KARYUKAI™ |